
October 16, 2008 at 2:40 pm (Baby) (, , , )

Xander and me at my computer this afternoon!

Today saw something of a major achievement – not only did we have a pretty good night with feeds only at around 11.30pm and 3am before sleeping right through till 6.30am, but I managed to get up, get showered, do my face and hair, and take Xander to the doctors’ surgery to see the Health Visitor all by myself! And it was a good visit as Xander now weighs 9lbs 5.5oz, so he’s gained half a pound in a week! If that’s not the sign of a healthy, growing boy, I don’t know what is! Unfortunately I noticed this morning that he’d picked up a touch of thrush. Fortunately, it’s only a little bit (we’ve caught it very early) and it’s easily treatable with drops.

Of course, while we were at the pharmacy picking up the prescription, Xander started complaining rather loudly that his mother was starving him! It’s a good job we live just around the corner – although he fell back to sleep in his buggy on the way home anyway, so I didn’t have to hear his pitiful cries all the way home after all!

This afternoon, my old boss, Sandra, will be coming to visit. Xander has just been fed again and is pretty much snoozing on my shoulder as I type, so she may well be able to get a little cuddle before I put him down…

PS Please forgive any typos – I’m typing one-handedly whilst cradling my adorable boy against me!


  1. Sandy said,

    Anyone with kids knows how it is, no need to apologize. πŸ™‚ Glad you guys are doing well. Before long he will be awake most of the time and laughing at you…it is amazing how your world will revolve around getting him to laugh or smile and how crushing it is when they don’t! LOL

    Almost done with your gifts, I have one to make and Podling won’t let me have 5 minutes to do it. It isn’t something I can do with her in my lap so… soon!


  2. Nici said,

    Lovely photo Kell! You are looking really well and Xander is getting so big!

    You are making me all broody lol.

  3. kell1976 said,

    Nici – Thanks – I’m a bit tousel-headed in this pic, but it;s soft focus, so I look passable – LOL!

    Sandy – Can’t wait to see what it is! And I promise that letter is coming as soon as I can grab a few minutes to put pen to paper!

  4. Michelle said,

    I’m getting more and more annoyed you’re so far away – I want to come visit you both! πŸ˜€

  5. kell1976 said,

    Well, any time you can come to Aberdeen, give me a shout – we’d love to see you, Michelle!

  6. sleepygirl said,

    You’re such a good mommy! You sound so incredibly happy…I’m almost jealous! No, I’ll have to ignore my “clock” for a while longer….:)

  7. kell1976 said,

    Aww, thanks – I try! It’s hard work, often emotional, but always worth it – I’m a very lucky, very happy woman indeed!

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