Yule Book Haul

December 25, 2007 at 11:58 am (Books and Authors, Life gets in the way...) (, , )

Dreaming books

I look forward to the festive season each year with great excitement, because, without fail, I can expect a lovely haul of books beautifully wrapped and presented as gifts. Some folks might complain that they can predict their gifts, but I love that I get a mountain of books each year that will take me through to the end of January at the very least.

This year, Santa must have decided I’d been a VERY good girl, because I got an impressive stack of no fewer than twelve books, all of which are tickling away at those braincells reserved for reading (i.e. ALL of them!):

  1. Exit Strategy by Kelley Armstrong
  2. Scottish Folk Tales (Lamond Books)
  3. Scottish Myths and Legends by Judy Hamilton
  4. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J K Rowling (adult hardback)
  5. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J K Rowling (adult hardback)
  6. The Wit and Wisdom of the Discworld by Terry Pratchett
  7. How to do just about everything (Collins eHow)
  8. The Lost Barkscrolls by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
  9. Making Money by Terry Pratchett
  10. Peony in Love by Lisa See
  11. Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks by Christopher Brookmyre
  12. The Generals by Simon Scarrow

The two Harry Potter books are to replace the children’s cover paperback versions I already have, as I originally bought the first four in paperback, as I wasn’t sure how much I was going to like them (numpty!) and then bought the last three books in the series, as they were released, in hardback with the beautiful adult covers, so I decided to replace the earlier ones so they would all match up. In the case of the Pratchetts, the Armstrong, the Brookmyre and the Scarrow, I get all their books are they are released, but I had been banned from buying them for myself, so had to wait till now to have them. The Lost Barkscrolls will complete my set of The Edge Chronicles. I recently read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See and instantly knew I wanted whatever she next wrote, so that one was in the bag. The others were complete surprises and very welcome ones at that!

So, I now have a dozen extra books to add to Mount To-Be-Read, and a massive smile on my face to boot!


  1. Naomi said,


    I’m bright green! 🙂

  2. kell1976 said,

    Yeah, it’s a pretty impressive haul – if it weren’t mine, I’d be green with envy too! 😉

  3. Sarah said,

    Kell, since you know you’re awesome, I’m passing the blogger award on to you! Congratulations! (an sorry!) 🙂


  4. kell1976 said,

    Aw, wow! I’ll do this tonight when I get home from work! Thank you, Sarah!

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